Tourist Places in Bellary (Karnataka) – Hampi

Hampi is a village in northern Karnataka state, India. It is located within the ruins of Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Predating the city of Vijayanagara, it continues to be an important religious centre, housing the Virupaksha Temple, as well as several other monuments belonging to the old city.

As the village is at the original centre of Vijayanagara, it is sometimes confused with the ruined city itself. The ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed as the Group of Monuments at Hampi.

Hampi is situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra river. It is 353 km from  Bangalore and 74 km away from Bellary. Hosapete (Hospet), 13 km away, is the nearest railway head. Mantralayam, which is also on the banks of Tunghabhadra, in AP is some 150km away.The principal industries of the village are agriculture, the support  of  the  Virupaksha  temple  and  some  other  local  holy aces  in the  vicinity,  and tourism.  The  annual  Vijayanagar Festival  is  organized  by  the  Government  of  Karnataka  in November.

See also  Tourist Places in Chitradurga (Karnataka) - Places to visit in Kallina kote
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